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Rest In Peace Ray Tomlinson

Before we talk a bit more about Ray Tomlinson, I would like you to imagine an email-less world. I will give you 10 seconds to think about it.


Can you?


Well, I can because I did grow up in an actual email-less world. I grew up in a world where the popular mobile communication device technology was the pager. Those people born before 1980 understand what I mean.


It was not until my mid-twenties that the email became a popular mode of communication. Even then, everyone was still grappling as to how it could be used more effectively. On top of that there was a little hump of a fact that not everyone had agreed upon what the social norms were or what the right protocol was.


Do I want to go back to those good ol’ days with those good ol’ snail mail? Not in a million years. That is why Mr Ray Tomlinson has my eternal gratitude.


Here is why.


When I wanted to get married, I had to ‘google search’ to find a Qadi who could perform the ceremony. Yes I know there are millions of Qadi who could perform such a task. However, such a person was rare in Midwestern Indiana.


Luckily, as I have indicated above, there is such a thing as Google and by the Grace of God there is such a thing as an email. Hence, through email communication I managed to secure the service of an officiate from a neighbouring county.


Imagine how hard the task might and could have been if the email was not invented. Of course it is still possible but such a task could possibly have taken twice the amount had the internet and email not been available to humanity. Yes I know I could have asked around. However, let’s just say that the people around me then were not too knowledgeable in that area.


For that reason alone, I would like to express my gratitude to the recently deceased Ray Tomlinson and his family for this invention.


That is right. I am placing this contribution to humanity right up there with the electric bulb and the wheel. It is so integral to society today that it is an unimaginable scenario to see a world without it.


A lot of work across planet earth could not be done without the aid of the email. It is quite possible one of the important cogs in the bringing every nation and people in this planet closer together. It is perhaps the steroids in the catalyst for rapid developments across the globe. Also, without the invention of the email, concepts such as text messaging, Whatsapp and Snapchats might not have taken shape. That is why, it is up at the upper echelons of inventions.


On top of that, I place his death as a more important death than popular David Bowie. As much as I love David Bowie’s music, his influence to humanity isn’t as direct. I suspect that even David Bowie might agree with me. However, true to great beings who have graced this planet, they wanted to pass with quiet dignity with their families by their side.


I pray that the Ray Tomlinson’s family are given the strength to go through the loss with dignity that they deserved. I hope that they are given the knowledge that he has provided humanity with a vehicle to get to know one another despite the distance.


Finally, Ray Tomlinson embodied the spirit of invention and innovation that should be harnessed and encouraged in all of us. It is unfortunate that in many countries the education system has created a generation of parrots instead of a generation of thinkers.



Qadi - judge (to perform marital ceremony)

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